Sunday, April 13, 2008

Kids, got to love em'!

I had forgotten until today how difficult it is to get a kids to cooperate for photos. We went for a drive in search of the bluebonnets. It seems to be the thing, the photo with the kids sitting in the wildflowers. It was another beautiful day, and we all love going for a drive together (although, looking behind me I see one kid with headphones on, one reading, and 2 others playing game boys). Not a whole lot of interaction, but we're together, right? We find a huge field full of wildflowers and quite literally a minimum of a hundred other people. Mike searches for the "perfect spot", and proceeds to arrange the children. My 16 year old is rolling his eyes, my 13 year old is hiding in tall grass being goofy as usual. The 9 & 6 year old are trying to follow Dad's instructions, but are getting confused. They don't know for sure who he's talking to, they're not rolling their eyes or acting "stupid". Finally! We get ready to take the picture, but the 6 year old refuses to smile. We (the parents), are starting to lose our patience and get angry. He starts to cry. I believe at this point there's some sort of threatening. He decides to cooperate, then the baby starts to scream. Well, there's always next year. :)


Alison said...

I think the picture is perfect. It sounds like you had sooooo much fun getting it! I love looking at everyone's blog. Glad I found yours.

The Hardy's said...

I'm glad you found me too! It's been fun being able to reconnect with the fam. I'm loving it.

Tami Harris said...

Well, I'm glad to see the 13 yr. old is actually alive and kicking.:) The picture is perfect. I'm so jealous. We are having snow once again here in Zion. AGH!!! It was 80 degrees on Monday, 36 degrees today!!