Saturday, June 21, 2008


Taylor was in a mood today, I think it's because Landon came home for all of 10 hours before he was on a plane to Atlanta for the next 2 weeks. They really are good buds, (which I love by the way). So in attempt to cheer the both of us up we headed to the movies to see "The Hulk". We headed out and bought tickets for the 9:20pm show. We got our popcorn and icee, went in and selected our seats, then settled in to enjoy the show. Before the previews even started, a mob of kids came in noisily. They were talking loud, running up and down the stairs. Both Taylor and I looked at each other. Sometimes you just know it's going to be one of those movie going experiences. To make a long story short, cops were in and out at least 5 times. A manager came in, the lights came on. Kids in and out, and in and out again. The clincher was when the guy sitting next to me stood up and yelled at them all. Of course, they yelled back. He went out of theater and was back in within a couple of minutes. When he came back in he yells, "What? Quiet now you little $*@#holes? I'm gonna get you all thrown out of here." It was at this point that Taylor and I just gave up. We got up, asked for our money back and left. We did pass the cops, 5 of them, on our way out. Part of me wishes we would have stuck around to see if anything was actually done this time. It was a complete circus! I guess the lesson learned is don't go to the mall at night to see a flick on a weekend. I'm so ticked! I really wanted to see it. I guess I can always wait till it comes out on video.
PS Tami, I sure wish I had your theater room set up. Tonight I'm truly coveting. Thank goodness church is tomorrow. :P

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I felt the need to say how much I enjoy my teenage boys. Don't get me wrong, there are challenges; skipping school, sneaking out the window for the late night toilet paper escapades, breaking curfew, roaming the neighborhood with "the gang", the call in the middle of the night saying, "can you come and get us? Mr. police officer would like to talk to you.", just to name a few, (these are the experiences I've had with my boys). It's like reliving the past. Dad, I can hear you laughing now and remember you often saying, "I hope when you
have kids they're just like you." I often find myself apologizing to Mike when he's frustrated, saying, "I don't know where they get it from!" Unfortunately I do, it's me. So the question is, are we the abnormal ones or is it Mike? (JK honey, you know I love you.) Anyway, maybe that's why I enjoy them so much. They take me back to the good 'ol days. I get to relive the good times through them and lend a sympathetic shoulder through the bad. I love that their friends come and hang out at our house, and eat our food. I always said I wanted my home to be just like the Soelberg's. The place where everyone chills. Monday night when I came home from work I almost didn't know what to do with myself. Landon had left for scout camp early that morning, and Taylor was spending the night at a friend's house. I was so sad. I've become accustomed to sitting and talking to them while they play video games until the wee hours of the morning. You'd think I'd cherish the sleep, but I really missed 'em. Those are some of my favorite times. I guess I realize that this time is precious, and they're not going to want me hanging around forever. It won't be long before they clue in that it's just not cool to hang out with their dumb 'ol embarrassing mom. For now, they still hug me in public, let me be in the same room when their friends are around, and will still accompany me on errands. My boys rock, (quite literally)!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Nothin' like it...

When my days aren't going so great, this is the picture I look at. I love all my kids, but there's just something about a babies smile. She's just so dang cute!