Saturday, November 8, 2008

She's 8 months old

I can't believe how quickly Sara is growing. It makes me so sad. I guess because I know she's our last and I've really cherished every moment. As sad as I am to see her changing, I love this time as she begins to really start showing her personality, when every day brings something new. The look on her face as she figures out each new little thing. Every day is an adventure. She is truly a joy to all of us. I think the most common thing said in our house is, "I love her!" She makes us smile, she makes us laugh, she warms each of our hearts. Her goofy little grin, how can you not love the little stinker?

Here are a few of the changes this past month;
1. She began the month up on her hands and knees rocking, now she's "army crawling" all over the place. She'll occasionally crawl a bit on her hands and knees. This also means we have to be very aware of what's on the floor. More than once we've found her with a pine needle sticking out of her mouth.
2. She got her two bottom teeth, which also means she's been introduced to cheerios. She loves 'em. She loves any kind of big people food. She does not like peas or green beans (baby food).
3. She drinks out of a water bottle & can drink out of a sippy cup. Although now, you can't drink in front of her, she gets angry, she thinks it's hers.
4. She can clap her hands & will clap when you sing "patty cake". So cute!
5. She started pulling herself up in her crib & is now trying to pull herself up anywhere she can. She just did this for the first time a few days ago. She was so proud of herself. She started bouncing and jabbering. I wish I could have caught it on film.

I look forward to everyday, and try to imagine seeing the world through her eyes as she discovers everything around her. There's something about these little people so fresh from God. The curiosity, the excitement, the frustration of their limitations. It truly amazes me.


Kim said...

I can't believe how much she has grown! Wish I could be there to see the changes.

Tami Harris said...

She is so freakin' cute. Ditto on everything you say. It's funny to see what she's doing, it's so much of the same things that CJ is doing. Just wish that they could be growing up together and playing together...ya know??

chelon:) said...

she is absolutely darling! it is so hard to see olivia growing up...especially because she is our last. so i know how you feel! we will just have to enjoy these sweet moments that we get everyday. i hope that all is well!! xoxo

Krisann Charles said...

so sweet...all of it