Thursday, November 20, 2008

18 Crazy, Amazing, Stressfull, Beautiful Years - The best of my life

I've had 3 major, deep crushes;
the cowboy,
the soccer player,
the piano guy.
You know, the kind. The kind that you doodle their name on anything and everything. The kind that you make a complete fool out of yourself over and over again. The kind that if they asked you to do anything, no matter how crazy, you would do it. The kind of crushes that they write movies about, only in the movies, at the end they wind up together. The kind that lasts for years, (the cowboy crush began when I was four - he promised to buy me a pink pony). The kind that even if you had a boyfriend, and they came a long and asked you to be theirs, you would dump the boyfriend without a thought. They were the kind of crushes that were felt deep. I cried a lot about those boys, and I actually thought I could never be happy in life if I wasn't with "him".
Then I met Mike. with him, I felt calm. There was no sense of insecurity, no sense of inadequacy, no confusion, no questions period. When he put his arm over me for the first time when we were coming home from the YSA Guadalupe tubing trip, all the chaos in my head stopped. It was quiet, I felt peace. I know that sounds so strange, but there's no other way to describe it. It was right.
18 years ago today, we got married. I have never looked back, I have never wondered, "what if", I have never questioned my choice. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't always been easy. We've yelled, cried and laughed. We've had good times and bad, but we've gotten through, together.
So honey, thanks for the past 18 years. You are truly the love of my life, my very best friend. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for letting me be who I need to be. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. After all these years, you still are, "my sun, my moon, my stars," and I still "dwell in darkness without you.". Happy 18th Anniversary!


Kim said...

Awwww...I even teared up! congrats to both of you!

Anonymous said...

How absolutely awesome. Congratulations you guys...and Mike...I know, it was a dirty job, but someone had to do it...thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

chelon:) said...

so sweet!! happy anniversary1

Hardy said...

Just have to say, Cathy, you are hilarious!!

Tiff, you guys are so wonderful together. I am so happy for you both. Love you and congrats. =)

Tami Harris said...

Congrats! Just remember it's because of Lorie and me that you are "one"! :) Your welcome!