Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Count 'em, 14 pairs

As I was picking up tonight, I kept finding more and more shoes. In a moment of frustration, I just threw them all into a pile. Seriously? Does anyone ever put their freaking shoes away? Kim and I talked last night on the phone for a minute about sometimes wanting to blog things for theraputic reasons, but not feeling like you really should. So, tonight it's therapy. I'm so tired of picking up shoes, socks, pants, and underwear (yes, you read that right, underwear), downstairs. There aren't even bedrooms downstairs. As I'm sitting here, I turn to my left and look in the living room I see a pair of jeans on the floor by the couch. That's the first room you see when you walk in the house. Again, seriously? Mike has these shoes we call his "slipper shoes". He loves them. They've split on the bottom and are falling apart. I hate them. He actually asked me tonight if I'd thrown them away. Although I've wanted to, I haven't. He should probably check the closet. No one ever looks there for their shoes, I guess you can see why.


Jen said...

Oh man I totally know the shoe thing! Why do we need so many?! Will you email me at jenallred1@gmail.com so that I can invite you to my newly privatized blog? Thanks!

chelon:) said...

we put these really great ikea shoe holders outside our garage door....do you think that the shoes even make it into their "marked" bins? hmmmm....NO!!! gotta love the kids! oh wait, i might be one of the culprits too! :)

Tami Harris said...

Oh my gosh!! I just had melt down about that today! I threatened to start throwing shoes and slippers away if I had to pick up one more time. Ummm...garbage bags anyone?