Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Times are changing...

We have a lot of changes happening with kids as far as school goes. On Saturday, Taylor will be graduating from High School. Arghhhh!!! I am not ready for it. I just graduated 20 years ago. Landon is finishing up his final year of middle school and will be heading off to HS in the fall. No break for Mike for the early morning seminary, Taylor's done, but Landon gets to enjoy the blessings. Emma is finishing up elementary school and it's off to middle school for her. This, I am really not ready for.
Emma. You just have to say her name, and anyone who knows her will smile, shake their head, and say, "That Emma, I love her!" She is silly, talks constantly (& loudly), giggles over nothing and everything, smiley, sweet, dramatic, totally social, yet happy to be by herself, loves & hugs everyone, and drives me absolutely batty. I love her more than words can say.
I am not ready for her to grow up, yet excited at the prospects of who she's going to become. I know that this lil' caterpillar is going to become a beautiful butterfly!


Kim said... don't have to be 40 to be old. You just have to have a high school graduate! :) Emma is beautiful now. she will be breath taking...and just like you. Good luck with that. If you thought you were getting a run for your money from the boys...hold on tight! You ain't seen nothin' yet!

Kristi said...

It does go by way too fast. And it's crazy how we still see them through our mommy eyes as our "little boys" while knowing they're growing into men. Crazy!

becky comstock said...

Tiffany- It's Becky Comstock (Yvonne's daughter). I haven't seen you in years! I found you on Tami's blog. I can totally feel your pain with the kids growing up. I feel the same way. Check out my blog.
Add me to you list I am adding you!