Monday, August 25, 2008

And just like that...

Taylor's 1st day of school - Senior Year
(Taken after school, didn't want to get up at 5 am to do it, [early morning seminary]. Thanks for humoring me Tay!)

Landon's first day of school - 8th grade
(Annoyed that I would force him to take his picture. He is "too old for this crap".)

I remember when I was little how slowly time seemed to move. It always seemed to drag. Now, time is flying by! Years pass in what seems like a blink of an eye. Why this reflection? Today marks the start to a new school year. My very first baby is now a senior. I swear I just graduated. It can't be almost 20 years ago, can it? I still feel like a teenager, (clearly from some of my previous blogs). Well, in my mind I still feel like a teenager, long gone are the days where I can get by on little or no sleep & eat anything I want with no consequences, also I must mention the fine lines, gray hairs, aches and pains. Although there is some sorrow in lost youth, in all honesty, I wouldn't go back for anything. The last 20 years I've lived, laughed, loved & cried more than I would have thought possible. I have experienced life at it's finest & made it through some pretty rough storms. I truly have much to be grateful for. The best things in my life, the things I'm most proud of, the things that are worth more to me than anything have happened in these past 20 years.
Another school year begins, and time continues to fly. Taylor starts his senior year. Landon, starts 8th grade which will be his last before starting high school. Emma, starts 5th and her last in elementary school, (now I'm freaking myself out a bit), & Sawyer starts 2nd grade. Seriously, where has time gone?
If you ask Sawyer what the rule is in our house, he'll answer with a big goofy smile, "No growing up!" My kids never listen. :)

Emma's first day of school - 5th grade
(Arghh... She's now accessorising.)

Sawyer's first day of school - 2nd grade


Jen said...

Aww.. they are so adorable. Thanks for your comments on my blog- I dearly hope that the tag-a-long kid is easier than four screaming toddlers at once. BTW- is it really 90 degrees there? We haven't cleared 80 yet this summer!

The Hardy's said...

Ohhh how I long for the days of 80! Yes, it really is 90, but with humidity it feels much hotter. Houston weather I do not enjoy.
And yes, the tag-a-long kid is the best! My fav has been watching my others with her. Trust me, it's a whole new wonderful experience.

chelon:) said...

i am thrilled that my kids are heading back to school tomorrow!! they have been so bored :) of course that is always my fault! but i too cannot believe how quickly they grow up. kyle starts middle school. why can't it be like utah where they don't do that until 7th grade!! needless to say, my kids are all thrilled to go back. structure can be a great thing!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much Taylor looks like Jim and Landon and Sawyer look like the younger pictures I added of me that are on my blog below my profile. Sawyer was so brave with the tooth...

Rick & Diana said...

I'm with you, I may be thirty something but I still enjoy acting 17. Ask my wife if you don't believe me! OK she thinks I act 12..The best part is that I have 20 more years of experience so its easy to avoid getting in trouble! ha ha