Friday, June 13, 2008

Nothin' like it...

When my days aren't going so great, this is the picture I look at. I love all my kids, but there's just something about a babies smile. She's just so dang cute!


chelon:) said...

can i just say...she has those allman cheeks!! she is absolutely beautiful :)

Tami Harris said...

holy smokes! i can't believe how much she looks like Sawyer! What a freakin' cutie pants. I miss you, wish you were closer to your favorite sister!! (me)

Alison said...

She looks just like her mother. Beautiful!

Hardy said...

I think that is how I survived Joshua's first 18 months; his smile always made (makes) me melt!
She is so beautiful, and there is nothing like a baby's smile!! =)