Wednesday, April 23, 2008

One Proud Mom

Tonight Emma participated in a talent show for activity days. When she left the house she thought it was just a practice. I asked her what she was going to do, and she said she was going to sing. Well, me being the parent that I am, one with little talent especially when singing, suggested she take some of her art, (also not a talent that I have). She said, "No, I love singing, I'm going to sing." With apprehension in my heart, not for her abilities, but for my own, she headed off to the church. 25 minutes later I got a panicked call from my daughter, "Mom! I was wrong, the talent show is tonight." I quickly gathered up the baby and all her supplies and headed off to the church. Keep in mind, Emma hadn't picked a song and hadn't practiced. Her concern was me missing her performance, not her lack of preparation. She had decided to sing a primary song and when her turn came, she froze. She totally forgot the words, I was trying to sing for her. Thank the world for some wonderful leaders who led her over to the piano so that she could read the words and start again, and start again she did. She sang very quietly, but she did it. She didn't let her fear control her, she didn't quit or give up. She sang her song and I couldn't be more proud!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Remember the Alamo!

We decided it was time for another Hardy "adventure" this weekend. Friday afternoon we packed up the van and the kids and headed to San Antonio. The weather was gorgeous! It was low 80's with no humidity, (it is San Antone after all). We had a great time. Day one we spent at Sea World. What a cool place! If you haven't been, I highly recommend it. Do plan on spending a lot of money and on getting very wet (you don't want to be wearing jeans, trust me on this one).
Day two we went to The Alamo. Mike and I both learned more about it in 20 minutes than we ever did in school. It just goes to show what you can learn when someone tells you something as a story. We then headed to the Riverwalk for lunch and ate at the Rainforest Cafe. It was a little costly, but the food was good and the atmosphere was very cool. All in all it was a very good weekend. Here are a few things that I've been reminded of;

1. No matter how late it is, kids are always bouncing off the walls after spending a few hours in the car.
2. Even though you request a crib for your hotel room days before, there is a very good chance you won't be getting one.
3. You can never make everyone (kids) happy with car seating arrangements or hotel sleeping arrangements.
4. Food at theme parks are always way overpriced and crappy.
5. It's when you don't take an extra outfit that the baby explodes out of the diaper.
6. There is always at least 1 spill when you take the family to a resteraunt.
7. No matter what, when the family is together there is more laughing than crying, (even when Landon got his fingers closed in the van door).
8. "Adventures" are always worth every penny spent!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Kids, got to love em'!

I had forgotten until today how difficult it is to get a kids to cooperate for photos. We went for a drive in search of the bluebonnets. It seems to be the thing, the photo with the kids sitting in the wildflowers. It was another beautiful day, and we all love going for a drive together (although, looking behind me I see one kid with headphones on, one reading, and 2 others playing game boys). Not a whole lot of interaction, but we're together, right? We find a huge field full of wildflowers and quite literally a minimum of a hundred other people. Mike searches for the "perfect spot", and proceeds to arrange the children. My 16 year old is rolling his eyes, my 13 year old is hiding in tall grass being goofy as usual. The 9 & 6 year old are trying to follow Dad's instructions, but are getting confused. They don't know for sure who he's talking to, they're not rolling their eyes or acting "stupid". Finally! We get ready to take the picture, but the 6 year old refuses to smile. We (the parents), are starting to lose our patience and get angry. He starts to cry. I believe at this point there's some sort of threatening. He decides to cooperate, then the baby starts to scream. Well, there's always next year. :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ahhhh... The weekend

There's nothing better than a beautiful, sunny Saturday. It's days like today that make me happy to be living in Southern Texas. Blue skies, slight breeze, low 70's. Texas in the spring is amazing! The wildflowers are blooming and generally the humidity is low. Would have been a great day for a drive to view the vibrant colors. Instead we spent the day at home. Mike had to clean out the garage, (yes, this was an all day task & sadly it's still not completed). I did take both Emma and Sawyer for haircuts, which were desperately needed. Hopefully there will be a couple more Saturdays like today before the sweltering heat and humidity hit. One can hope, right?

Monday, April 7, 2008

How did this happen?

So, I'm sitting in Tami's living room while she and Joanna discuss some novels by Stephanie Meyer. What are they getting so excited about? Edward? Seriously, some teenage vampire love story. Where's the appeal? I don't get it. Silently I'm laughing in my head. I'm an avid reader. I love to read, but I do have standards. I can't understand the appeal, but I keep my opinion to myself. I'm just now meeting Joanna, I don't want to offend. She seems pretty sharp, seems to make my big bro pretty happy. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut and pretend like I'm interested. A nod here, a small comment there. Nope, just doesn't interest me.
Wednesday night Tami drops the book "Twilight", into my lap. "You have to read it." She has to work tomorrow. I can at least kill some time, right? It's a New York Times Bestseller?
Holy Cats! Finished the book Thursday, and started reading "New Moon". Tami refuses to let me borrow it because she says she doesn't trust me with her hard back copy. How rude! I'll send it back, (okay, maybe I'm not the best about getting stuff in the mail). Sure Mom and Dad's Christmas presents are still sitting on my front entry table, but I'll get around to it when I get a little more time. I'm still on maternity leave for another 4 weeks. I make Tami take me to Barnes and Noble. I can't wait. Finished it Saturday night. Dying to read "Eclipse". It's Sunday, can this be considered as the "ox in the mire"? What's one more day?
It's Monday morning. Book store opens at what time? Sawyer runs in my room, "Mom, I think I'm going to throw up." Would I be a horrible mother if I took my sick kid out? I'll give him a bowl for in the car. I think I'm obsessed. I can wait.
Thank Heavens Taylor gets home at 3.